The Evolution of AI and Machine Learning in Business

Number of words: 147

The most buzzed-about disruptive technologies that are changing business landscapes today are Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Almost all of us have heard or read about them but do we actually know what the fuss is all about?

The enterprises are trying to harness the explosion of digital data and computational power with advanced algorithms to enable collaborative and natural interactions between people and machines. However, there’s still a lot of confusion within the public and the media regarding what is ML and AI.
People prefer to write AL and ML technologies — and not ML and AI — and the argument goes that the former syncs well with the human mind. Both the terms are often being used as synonyms and in some cases as discrete, parallel advancements. In reality, ML is to AI what neurons are to human brain. Let us start with ML. According to Roberto Iriondo, Editor of Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania, ML is a branch of AI.

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