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We have earlier, though very briefly, considered these two great but incompatible Indians, both born of Kathiawari trading communities but not endowed with much other similarities. One was devoutly and expressly Hindu, the other but a casual votary of Islam. One shaped religion to his political ends; the other shunned it on grounds of principle. Gandhi, in a very real sense was deeply under the infl uence of Tolstoy (it is after Tolstoy that he had named his settlement in South Africa) and Henry David Thoreau; Jinnah recognised the political impress only of Dadabhai and Gokhale. Gandhi led his personal life publicly; Jinnah led even his public life close to his chest. These two, in one fashion or another, not just deeply influenced events of those momentous decades of India’s freedom struggle but actually shaped them. Gandhi admitted failure in his quest; Jinnah, it is apocryphally suggested boasted that ‘he won Pakistan with the help of just a typewriter and a clerk’. It is a fascinating theme, a study of these two great Indians. Th is sub-chapter can attempt no more than an outline sketch.
Although the families of both Jinnah and Gandhi had once lived just about forty miles or so apart in Kathiawar, (Gujarat), this adjacency of their places of origin did nothing to bring their politics close together. In their very first meeting, at the Gurjar Sabha in January 1915, convened to felicitate Gandhi upon his return from South Africa, in response to a welcome speech, with Jinnah presiding, Gandhi had somewhat accommodatingly said he was ‘glad to find a Muslim not only belonging to his own region’s Sabha, but chairing it’. Gandhi had singled out Jinnah as a Muslim, though, neither in appearance nor in conduct was Jinnah anywhere near to being any of the stereotypes of the religious identity ascribed by Gandhi. Jinnah, on the other hand, was far more fulsome in his praise.
Gandhi had reached India by boat in January 1915 when many leaders including Jinnah and Gokhale went to Bombay to give him an ovatious welcome. By this date Jinnah had already emerged as an all-India leader and was committed to attaining his stated goals of unity, not just between the Muslims and the Hindus, Extremists and Moderates, but also among various classes of India. To receive Gandhi, Jinnah had forsaken attending the Madras Congress meet of 1914. Gandhi, upon reaching Bombay had been warmly welcomed by Jinnah who wanted to enlist his services for the cause of Hindu-Muslim unity. It was because of his popularity and standing that Jinnah had been invited to preside over a garden party given by the Gurjar Sabha, an association of the Gurjar (Gujar) community, arranged to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Gandhi, on his arrival on 13 January 1915.
In his presidential address, Jinnah ‘welcomed…Mr and Mrs Gandhi, not only on behalf of Bombay but on behalf of the whole of India.’ He impressed upon Gandhi that the greatest problem was ‘to bring about unanimity and cooperation between the two communities so that the demands of India (from Imperial Britain) may be made absolutely unanimously.’ For this he desired ‘that frame of mind, that state, that condition which they had to bring about between the two communities, when most of their problems, he had no doubt, would be easily solved’. Jinnah went to the extent of saying: ‘Undoubtedly he [Gandhi] would not only become a worthy ornament but also a real worker whose equals there were very few.’ This remark was greatly applauded by a largely Hindu audience, accounts of that meeting report. Gandhi, however, was cautious and somewhat circuitous in his response. He took the plea that he would study all the Indian questions from ‘his own point of view’, a reasonable enough assertion; also because Gokhale had advised him to study the situation for at least a year before entering into politics. This, too, was all right but then, needlessly he thanked Jinnah for presiding over a Hindu gathering. This was an ungracious and discouraging response to Jinnah’s warm welcome and had a dampening effect.
Gandhi, somewhat hesitant at first, could, in that early phase, see no other route but of following Gokhale, Jinnah and some of the other moderate leaders. This was also because Tilak had also by then, come around to the moderate line. Gandhi did cooperate with all of them, but only until about 1920, after which his clearly became the prominent voice and position. Besides, by then (1920) Gandhi had won acceptance from the British government too, even though that was through the good offices of Gokhale, who ‘exerted the full weight of his prestige and influence upon the Viceroy, Lord Hardinge to bring the Government of India solidly behind Gandhi’. 63 This was the period when the British government, very concerned about Jinnah, his Hindu-Muslim unity moves were endeavouring hard to keep the All India Muslim League away from the Indian National Congress. 64
Excerpted from Page 99-101 of ‘Jinnah: India-Partition Independence’ by Jaswant Singh