Fallacy of Waiting for a Saviour

Number of words – 211

Hindus, Mohammedans, Christians and Jews have created a difficult situation for millions of people. They have been giving people the idea that redemption will be given to you by a messenger; All you have to do is to believe and wait. Jesus will redeem you or Mohammed, or Krishna. What I want to point out very clearly is that the idea that it is somebody else. It does not matter who is Jesus, Moses, Krishna or Mohammed, the idea that somebody else will do it on your behalf is absolutely wrong. But this idea has prevailed and it’s easy to accept it. It is simple to be influenced by it because somebody else is is talking the responsibility. In this world, people are easily ready to give responsibilities to somebody else. They think that by giving away responsibility they are free of the burden. They are absolutely wrong. Responsibility is freedom and the moment you give responsibility to somebody else you have also given your freedom. Now 2000 years have passed and Christians are still waiting for the Saviour to come. I tell you he is never going to come, for the simple reason that what he has promised he cannot deliver.

Excerpted from ‘Zen: It’s History & Teaching’ by Osho

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