The Connection Between Nerve Damage and Vision

Number of words: 481 Cataracts, however, were not the whole story in blindness among lepers. Many lepers at Vellore didn’t suffer from cataracts, yet were losing their sight from eye ulcerations. Did the bacillus leprae produce the infection and the resultant ulcerations and blindness? Or, as in the ease of fingers and toes, was the … Read more

The Hidden Dangers of Leprosy

Number of words: 771 As is often the case in medical research, some of Paul Brand’s most important discoveries about leprosy came about not as the result of systematic pursuit but through accident. Soon after arriving in Vellore he observed the prodigious strength in lepers’ hands. Even a casual handshake with a leper was like … Read more

Painlessness in Leprosy Patients

Number of words: 509 Paul Brand’s main purpose in coming to the Christian Medical College and Hospital at Vellore was to see whether he might be able to apply his highly developed skills in reconstructive surgery to the special problems of lepers. Commonly, lepers’ fingers tend to “claw” or partially close up because of the … Read more

The Intersection of Traditional and Modern Healing Practices

Number of words: 355 Some years ago, I had an opportunity to observe African witch-doctor medicine at first hand in the Gabon jungle country. At the dinner table of the Schweitzer Hospital at Lambarene, I had ventured the remark that the local people were lucky to have access to the Schweitzer clinic instead of having … Read more