The Mystical Allure of Mount Kailas and Manasarovar

Number of words: 890 Even in the strictest geological terms Kailas stands alone, being the world’s highest deposit of tertiary conglomerate – a vast pile of cemented gravel laid down in the period immediately preceding the arrival of early man and then thrown up into the sky. It has four clearly-defined walls that match the … Read more

Threat of Space Debris to Future Missions

Number of words: 500 Earlier in March this year, the 18 Space Control Squadron (18SPCS), a body that detects, tracks, and identifies artificial objects in Earth’s orbit reported that the Chinese satellite, Yunhai 1-02 had broken up in space and it was tracking 21 pieces of the debris. Astronomer Jonathan McDowell recently came across the likely cause … Read more

The Impact of Xi Jinping’s Economic Policies

Number of words: 487 President Xi Jinping put China’s wealthiest citizens on notice Tuesday, offering an outline for “common prosperity” that includes income regulation and redistribution, according to state media reports. Since Xi took office in 2012, the ruling party has made it a priority to end poverty and build a moderately prosperous society, goals … Read more

A Historical Perspective on Hubble’s Contributions

Number of words: 728 That a time scale characteristic of the universe at large exists was first suggested by the discoveries of Hubble in the early twenties. There are two parts to Hubble’s discoveries. The first part relates to what may be considered as the fundamental units or constituents of the universe. It emerged unequivocally … Read more

The Evolution of Light Studies from Newton to Kirchhoff

Number of words: 479 You are familiar with Newton’s demonstration of the character of white light by allowing sunlight to pass through a small round hole and letting the pencil of light so isolated fall on the face of a prism. The pencil of light was dispersed by the prism into its constituent rainbow colours. … Read more