The Importance of Operational Risk Management in Banking

Number of words: 245 Bankers working in sensitive positions, including treasury operations and currency chests, will get a surprise holiday of at least 10 working days in a single spell every year under the modified risk management guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). As a prudent operational risk management measure, banks should have a “mandatory … Read more

The Hidden Dangers of Plastic in Our Oceans

Number of words: 1,967 There is now so much ocean plastic that it has become a route for invasive species, threatening native animals with extinction Seascape: the state of our oceans is supported by apan’s 2011 tsunami was catastrophic, killing nearly 16,000 people, destroying homes and infrastructure, and sweeping an estimated 5m tons of debris out to sea. … Read more

The Erosion of Political Parties

Number of words: 2,266 In 1796, President George Washington lambasted political parties for allowing “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men” to “subvert the power of the people”. His indictment seems brutally timely today, just a few months after 147 Republican US congress members publicly challenged results of the most recent US presidential election. But even long before then, … Read more

Marketing Luxury to Diverse Audiences

Number of words: 295 Owing to Sloan’s reception for candidness, a young Cadillac engi­neer named Nicholas Dreystadt realized that he could ask for a hear­ing with the board. His topic: how to make Cadillac profitable in 18 months, and he requested 10 minutes of the board’s time. At Sloan’s GM, the young engineer received a … Read more