Discovering Buddha-Nature Through Zen Koans

Number of words: 317 Zen Buddhists have a particular knack for making a virtue out of the inconsistencies arising from verbal communication, and with the koan system they have developed a unique way of transmitting their teachings completely non-verbally. Koans are carefully devised nonsensical riddles which are meant to make the student of Zen realize … Read more

The Mysteries of Electromagnetic Radiation

Number of words: 316 In atomic physics, many of the paradoxical situations are connected with the dual nature of light or – more generally of electromagnetic radiation. On the one hand, it is clear that this radiation must consist of waves because it produces the well-known interference phenomena associated with waves: when there are two … Read more

The Intersection of Science and Philosophy Explored

Number of words: 151 This way of basing all theories firmly on experiment is known as the scientific method and we shall see that it has its counterpart in Eastern philosophy. Greek philosophy, on the other hand, was fundamentally different in that respect. Although Greek philosophers had extremely ingenious ideas about nature which often come … Read more

The Complementary Dance of Rational and Intuitive Thought

Number of words: 655 Throughout history, it has been recognized that the human mind is capable of two kinds of knowledge, or two modes of consciousness, which have often been termed the rational and the intuitive, and have traditionally been associated with science and religion, respectively. In the West, the intuitive, religious type of knowledge … Read more

The Mechanistic Universe: From Descartes to Newton

Number of words: 688 The birth of modern science was preceded and accompanied by a development of philosophical thought which led to an extreme formulation of the spirit/matter dualism. This formulation appeared in the seventeenth century in the philosophy of Rene Descartes who based his view of nature on a fundamental division into two separate … Read more