The Dilemma of Vaccine Patents in a Pandemic Era

Number of words: 1,112 AFTER WEEKS OF immense pressure, the Biden administration came out in support of waiving intellectual property rights to coronavirus vaccines. Shortly after the Biden announcement earlier this month, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also reversed course and endorsed the patent waiver. But Bill Gates himself, subject to revived scrutiny around sexual misconduct and perhaps the most powerful … Read more

The Intersection of Land and Identity in Palestine

Number of words: 4,721 Despite how it is sometimes represented, the Israeli occupation of Palestine is not the result of some ancient and illogical sectarian quarrel. It instead emerged in concert with international methods of developing and analyzing land, as many Palestinian scholars, and those working with them, have shown. Prior to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank … Read more

The Mystery of Stanhopea Orchids

Number of words: 1,623 Suspended beneath a thick canopy of trees, the sloth inches along with slow strides . Painfully slow. Intentionally slow. Crawling high up among the branches, traipsing along a 100-foot steel cable, the little creature is like a lethargic acrobat. But its goal is not to delight or to put on a show; in … Read more

GMG’s Aluminium-ion Battery

Number of words: 674 The Graphene Manufacturing Group which is based in Brisbane, Australia has come up with a massive breakthrough that has the potential to shake up the electric car market, and generally increase the use of renewable sources of energy. GMG has been developing an Aluminium-ion battery that can provide up to three … Read more

The Comedic Philosophy of John Cleese

Number of words: 5,810 “I want to murder this thing,” says John Cleese, fiddling with a medical contraption that’s attached to his leg. The 77-year-old founding member of the Monty Python comedy troupe — arguably humanity’s greatest comedic endeavor — and the star and co-creator of perennial best-sitcom-ever contender Fawlty Towers, is in his office on … Read more