The Power of Being a Generalist in a Specialized World

Number of words: 1,298 RANGE: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, by David Epstein. Published by arrangement with Riverhead, a member of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © 2019 by David Epstein. The boy’s father could tell something was different. At six months old, the boy could balance on his father’s palm as he … Read more

Iqbal’s Contribution to the Muslim Intellectual Landscape

Number of words: 355 Though the mentality of the Moslem masses and the new growing middle class was shaped essentially by events, Sir Mohamad Iqbal played an important part in influencing the latter and especially the younger generation. The masses were hardly affected by him. Iqbal had begun by writing powerful nationalist poems in Urdu … Read more

The Rise of Rationalism in 19th Century India

Number of words: 1,066 The real impact of the west came to India in the nineteenth century through technical changes and their dynamic consequences. In the realm of ideas also there was shock and change, a widening of the horizon which had so long been confined within a narrow shell. The first reaction, limited to … Read more

The Historical Significance of the Chettys in India

Number of words: 79 The Chettys of Madras have also been leaders in business, and banking especially, from ancient times. The word ‘Chetty’ is derived from the Sanskrit ‘Shreshthi,’ the leader of a merchant guild. The common appellation ‘Seth’ is also derived from ‘Shreshthi.’ The Madras Chettys have not only played an important part in … Read more

Feudal Dynamics of the 1857 Revolt

Number of words: 256 The Revolt of 1857-58 was essentially a feudal rising, though there were some nationalistic elements in it. Yet, at the same time, it was due to the abstention or active help of the princes and other feudal chiefs that the British succeeded in crushing it. Those who had joined the Revolt … Read more

The Complex Legacy of British Colonialism in India

Number of words: 296 How did these states come into existence? Some are quite new, created by the British; others were the vice-royalties of the Mughal Emperor, and their rulers were permitted to continue as feudatory chiefs by the British; yet others, notably the Maratha chiefs, were defeated by British armies and then made into … Read more

A Historical Perspective on Land Ownership and Governance

Number of words: 181 Big landowners were created by the British after their own English pattern, chiefly because it was far easier to deal with a few individuals than with a vast peasantry. The objective was to collect as much money in the shape of revenue, and as speedily, as possible. If an owner failed … Read more