Tidal Wave of Change in Indian Civilization

Number of words: 991 The last of the major emigrations for colonial settlement took place from South India in the ninth century, but the Cholas in the south continued to be a great sea power till the eleventh century, when they defeated and conquered Srivijaya. We thus see that India was drying up and losing … Read more

Indo-Chinese Civilizations in Modern Asia

Number of words: 142 All these Indian colonies were situated between two great countries and two great civilizations—India and China. Some of them, on the Asiatic mainland, actually touched the frontiers of the Chinese Empire, the others were on the direct trade route between China and India. Thus they were influenced by both these countries … Read more

The Surprising History of Block Printing in Tibet

Number of words: 161 Among the most ancient printed books discovered in China, dating from the eighth century A.C., are books in Sanskrit. These were printed from wooden blocks. In the tenth century the Imperial Printing Commission was organized in China and as a result of this, and right up to the Sung era, the … Read more

The Mystique of Shankara’s Legacy

Number of words: 343 And yet Shankara was a man of amazing energy and vast activity. He was no escapist retiring into his shell or into a corner of the forest, seeking his own individual perfection and oblivious of what happened to others. Born in Malabar in the far south of India, he travelled incessantly … Read more

The Intersection of Faith and Culture in Ancient India

Number of words: 450 The Aryan faith in India was essentially a national religion restricted to the land, and the social caste structure it was developing emphasized this aspect of it. There were no missionary enterprises, no proselytization, no looking outside the frontiers of India. Within India it proceeded on its own unobtrusive and subconscious … Read more

The Enduring Legacy of Sanskrit in Modern India

Number of words: 159 I have no idea of the number of people who understood Latin in the Europe of Dante’s time; nor do I know how many under- stand Sanskrit in India to-day; but the number of these latter is still large, especially in the south. Simple spoken Sanskrit is not very difficult to … Read more

Significance of Words in Cultural Identity

Number of words: 188 A language is something infinitely greater than grammar and philology. It is the poetic testament of the genius of a race and a culture, and the living embodiment of the thoughts and fancies that have moulded them. Words change their meanings from age to age and old ideas transform themselves into … Read more

Greek Influence on Indian Spirituality

Number of words: 270 It is an interesting thought that image worship came to India from Greece. The Vedic religion was opposed to all forms of idol and image worship. There were not even any temples for the gods. There probably were some traces of image worship in the older faiths in India, though this … Read more

The Dynamics of Stability in Indian Civilization

Number of words: 912 There is perhaps a certain conflict always between the idea of progress and that of security and stability. The two do not fit in, the former wants change, the latter a safe unchanging haven and a continuation of things as they are. The idea of progress is modern and relatively new … Read more

Invasions in Indian History

Number of words: 89 The repeated invasions of North India did not affect the South directly. Indirectly they led to many people from the north migrating to the south and these included builders and craftsmen and artisans. The south thus became a centre of the old artistic traditions while the north was more affected by … Read more