The Clash of Privacy and Profit in the Digital Age

Number of words: 766 What happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object?  In a recent speech in Brussels marking International Data Privacy Day, Apple CEO Tim Cook went on the offensive against Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. Cook’s speech seems to be a direct response to Facebook’s recent attack on Apple, in which the world’s largest social network took … Read more

The Anthropocene Era

Number of words: 433 Chances are, the works of the world’s insects touch your lips every day. The coffee or tea you savor, both are pollinated by insects. Apples, oranges, cabbages, cashews, cherries, carrots, broccoli, watermelon, garlic, cinnamon, basil, sunflower seeds, almonds, canola oil — all are insect-pollinated. Honey, dyes, even some vaccines require insects to come … Read more

The Intersection of Agriculture and Wildlife Conservation

Number of words: 923 MUMBAI: After several failed attempts, Dhanesh Parashar, a 36-year-old cashew farmer from Dodamarg in the Sindhudurg district has finally found a new ally in his struggle to keep free-ranging elephants from chomping down on his crop: honey bees.NSyes, elephants — the largest animal on land — are afraid of bees. So intensely that the … Read more

Architecture as a Mirror of Human Aspirations and Values

Number of words: 398 Three  is a story about architects that reflects current beliefs about that discipline and its relation to education. When a certain school of architecture asked its graduates what they had found most wanting in their architectural education, the responses ran somewhat as follows: graduates who had been out of school five … Read more

The Battle for Artistic Freedom

Number of words: 912 ‘We’d be reduced to a country of incarcerated artists and flourishing lapdogs if powerful institutions continue to show an inability to tolerate rebuke,’ says Kunal Kamra in Supreme Court. Stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra defended in the Supreme Court on Friday his alleged scandalous tweets against the judiciary saying if the court … Read more

The Mysteries of Life with AI Technology

Number of words: 729 Having risen to fame on its superhuman performance at playing games, the artificial intelligence group DeepMind has cracked a serious scientific problem that has stumped researchers for half a century.With its latest AI program, AlphaFold, the company and research laboratory showed it can predict how proteins fold into 3D shapes, a … Read more