32 types of Colgate

Number of words: 508 In the 1970s, there were only two types of Colgate toothpaste. But as competition increased, Colgate’s sales started to slip. So the company introduced a new product that included a new feature, the addition of fluoride, perhaps. Then another. Then another. Whitening. Tartar control. Sparkles. Stripes. Each innovation certainly helped boost … Read more

The Birth of the Star Alliance

Number of words: 276 We agreed, at the beginning, that we would keep this alliance as simple as possible. There were no big teams of international lawyers involved. Partners in the alliance signed a five page agreement. The alliance airlines are not handcuffed to one another. If they find over time that they are not … Read more

Spend more time with the customer

Number of words: 166 The people who run corporations spend too much time paying too much attention to the wrong things. In virtually every company that I have worked with for over four decades, I have seen executives spending just about all of their time on operations, on questions about producing a product or providing … Read more