Soldiers don’t fight for their country, they fight for their squad

Number of words: 183 Soldiers don’t think of themselves – and risk their lives – as part of a huge army; they do that for people they know who deserve their trust and loyalty, people who depend on them, commonly a group no larger than an infantry squad. No matter how big your company is, … Read more

Cost Drivers

Number of words: 141 During the strategic planning process, I learned that at United, as at many companies, management has been intensely focused on controlling and containing labour cost. That is important, of course, but it overlooks the fact that for an airline, and probably many other companies, only a third of the total cost … Read more

Lessons Learned from Chrysler’s Production Strategy

Number of words: 331 Chrysler built its cars on speculation. The company would forecast what car buyers and dealers would want” which colours, which options, which models. Then Chrysler would make the cars, hoping that their sales would match up with dealer orders before the car moved out of the end of the production line.But … Read more

Cultural Significance of Dung Beetles Through History

Number of words: 1,652 Nothing is wasted in nature, not even poop. The faecal matter produced by all the planet’s animals put together is an enormous resource that makes life possible for innumerable other creatures. Many species depend entirely on this one resource for their sustenance.Perhaps the most famous poop lovers are the dung beetles … Read more