The Future of Data Privacy in a GDPR World

Number of words: 372 The GDPR is different from many government regulations. Most of the time, a regulation tells a company what it cannot do. For example, don’t include misleading statements in your advertisements. Or don’t put asbestos in your buildings. The fundamental philosophy of a free market economy encourages business innovation, with regulation putting … Read more

Radio’s Role in Shaping Modern American Society

Number of words: 547 The first wireless radio program aired in the United States in November 1920 by Westinghouse, broadcasting William Harding’s victory in the presidential race to succeed Woodrow Wilson. When it first came into people’s homes, it was considered a modern marvel. It connected the world through common experiences, beaming live events, entertainment, … Read more

The Double-Edged Sword of Modern Communication

Number of words: 345 No other modern technology has reshaped our lives quite like the automobile —and in few places more profoundly than in rural America. Until the start of the twentieth century, rural dwellers typically shopped, worked, worshipped, learned, and socialized within the twenty-mile radius that their horse and buggy carried them. The general … Read more

The Mechanics of Ransomware Attacks

Number of words: 356 Their latest attack was unusually sophisticated from a technical perspective, with new malware code added to the original Zinc software that allowed the infection to worm its way automatically from computer to computer. Once replicated, the code encrypted and locked a computer’s hard disk, then displayed a ransom ware message demanding … Read more

The Fallout from NSA’s Alleged Data Infiltration

Number of words: 421 On October 30, the Washington Post published a story that set the industry’s hair on fire: “NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say.” The story was co-authored by Bart Gellman, a journalist I had known and respected since he wrote for the Daily Princeton an at … Read more

Echoes of the Past: Lessons for Today’s America

Number of words: 621 The nation’s first such crisis occurred a little more than a decade after the Constitution was signed. It was 1798 when a “quasi war” broke out between the United States and France on the Caribbean Sea. The French, wanting to pressure the United States to repay loans made by its overthrown … Read more

Merging Individuality with Divine Purpose

Number of words: 253 Throughout human history innumerable attempts have been made to discover ultimate goals that would give meaning to experience. These attempts have often been very different from one another. For instance, in the ancient Greek civilization, according to the social philosopher Hannah Arendt, men sought to achieve immortality through heroic deeds, whereas … Read more