I attended a session by Prashant Bhaskar, who runs a company called PlugHR at The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) for short. Here is an excerpt from the invite –
Prashant Bhaskar started the plugHR idea after market research suggested that it won’t take off.“entrepreneurs want challenges, it couldn’t be more challenging than that”, he says. “After I spoke to senior HR professionals in industry who said HR was too close a subject to be outsourced, I decided to meet a few CEOs. This is where I got my springboard, all CEO that I met liked the idea without exception, few were ready to even sign up at very early stage, I decided to go by my gut”, adds Prashant.A few observations and questions for you to think on based on those observations:1. New team members join PlugHR only if they agree to a salary cut. What do you think would be his philosophy for this?
2. Prashant started his career in
3. Ajay Nagre, the ex director of IMDR, also was attending the session. He had an interesting take on HR practices in companies. He looked at roles in the HR department, and defined the performance management role as Brahminical and the recruitment role as Shudra-like. Why did he define these roles this way?
4. One of the participants asked Prashant, ‘I get disappointed in interviews nowadays, most of the resumes that I receive look so great, the candidates are not even a fraction of what they claim they are. What could be a solution to this?’