Harnessing Solar Power for Clean Water Solutions

Number of words: 540 As part of a wave of solar water purifier research, scientists say they can turn even brackish groundwater into drinkable fresh water in about 30 minutes. The filtration uses a metal-organic framework, or MOF, which is a highly porous polymer made by combining metal particles with “coordinating” organic pieces called ligands. … Read more

The Intersection of Media, Politics, and Stock Markets

Number of words: 400 Jimmy Lai, the media mogul who owns the pro-democracy Apple Daily newspaper, warned investors not to buy his Next Digital Ltd. media empire’s stock because the company’s fundamentals don’t justify its recent rally. Moments later, the shares resumed their climb in Hong Kong. “People with very little money just want to … Read more

Evolutionary Trade-offs of Anglerfish Reproduction

Number of words: 260 Scientists, while conducting genetic tests on tissue samples of anglerfish, came across an interesting fact about the immune system of the species. A study, conducted by researchers from Germany’s Max Planck Institute and the University of Washington, revealed that when male and female anglerfish connect they share a single respiratory and … Read more