Political Commentary

Number of words: 315 A Collection of superb, hard hitting, humorous comments… *”In my many years I have come to a conclusion, … that one useless man is a shame,  two [useless men] is a law firm and three or more [useless men] is a government.”* ~John Adams *”If you don’t read the newspaper you … Read more

The New Landscape of Learning

Number of words: 3,454 In 2017, Scott Galloway anticipated Amazon’s $13.7 billion purchase of Whole Foods a month before it was announced. Last year, he called WeWork on its “seriously loco” $47 billion valuation a month before the company’s IPO imploded. Now, Galloway, a Silicon Valley runaway who teaches marketing at NYU Stern School of … Read more

Unraveling the Genetic Code of Cape Honey Bees

Number of words: 393 Researchers from University of Sydney have been successful in identifying the single gene that determines how Cape honey bees reproduce without ever having sex. The study was published in Current Biology on Many 7, 2020 which solved the myth created over possibilities of virgin birth. Expressing happiness over the new discovery, … Read more

The FTC’s Unexpected Role in the Fight Against Cigarettes

Number of words: 704 Even if the report had temporarily sharpened the scientific debate, the prohibitionists’ legislative “axes” had long been dulled. Ever since the spectacularly flawed attempts to regulate alcohol during Prohibition, Congress had conspicuously disabled the capacity of any federal agency to regulate an industry. Few agencies wielded direct control over any industry. … Read more

The Intersection of Epidemiology and Chronic Illness

Number of words: 181 But many epidemiologists argued that such cause-effect relationships could only be established for infectious diseases, where there was a known pathogen and a known carrier (called a vector) for a disease—the mosquito for malaria or the tsetse fly for sleeping sickness. Chronic, noninfectious diseases such as cancer and diabetes were too … Read more

The Cultural Impact of Tobacco in 18th Century England

Number of words: 487 In England, meanwhile, tobacco was rapidly escalating into a national addiction. In pubs, smoking parlors, and coffeehouses—in “close, clouded, hot, narcotic rooms”—men in periwigs, stockings, and lace ruffs gathered through the day and night to pull smoke from pipes and cigars or sniff snuff from decorated boxes. The commercial potential of … Read more

The Serendipitous Discovery of Cisplatin

Number of words: 185 In 1965, at Michigan State University, a biophysicist, Barnett Rosenberg, began to investigate whether electrical currents might stimulate bacterial cell division. Rosenberg devised a bacterial flask through which an electrical current could be run using two platinum electrodes. When Rosenberg turned the electricity on, he found, astonishingly, that the bacterial cells … Read more