The Consequences of Cultural Suppression in Tribal Societies

Number of words: 187 ‘Only two ancient customs have had to be put down by Government: the sacrifice of mithuns by cruel methods, and head-hunting. The suppression of the first is wholly good, and more humane methods of killing can be substituted without detriment to the rites. ‘The suppression of head-hunting, though necessary in any … Read more

The Transformative Power of Truth in Life

Number of words: 105  Then he speaks of a Hindu religious song of morning, and the holy formula “Sat-Chi-Ananda”: “sat” meaning “truth”, “Chi” “that which lives” and “true knowledge”  (i.e. not a knowledge void of true perception), and “Ananda” “ineffable joy”. In this conception truth is inseperable from joy. “Yet one must suffer in the … Read more