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The Controversy Surrounding Terman’s IQ Test Adjustments

Number of words: 407 One of the reasons for the popularity of Terman’s test was that the scores were expressed as a catchy number — the intelligence quotient, or IQ. Psychologist William Stern had earlier proposed dividing a child’s “mental age” by the chronological age to get a “mental quotient” that would tell how smart … Read more

The Evolution of Interview Questions in Hiring Practices

Number of words: 438 Human resources experts categorize interview questions with terms such as “traditional” and “behavioral.” Traditional questions include the old standards that almost any American job seeker knows by heart. Where do you see yourself in five years? What do you do on your day off? What’s the last book you’ve read? What … Read more

Oedipus in Gaming Culture

Number of words: 63 As classicists point out, those video games update the ancient Greek legend of Oedipus and the sphinx. The sphinx devoured anyone who couldn’t answer her riddle: “What is it that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?” Excerpted from page number … Read more