The Role of Intoxication in Ancient Persian Decision-Making

Number of words: 118 Alfred P.Sloan, the former CEO of General Motors, presents a nice contrast. He was leading a group of high-level policy makers who seemed to have reached a consensus. “Gentleman,” he said, “I take it we are all in complete agreement on the decision here…..Then I propose we postpone further discussion of … Read more

Rethinking Education

Number of words: 52 Seymour Sarason was a professor of mine when I was in graduate school. He was a wonderful educator, and he always told us to question assumption. “There’s an assumption,” he said, “that schools are for students learning. Well, aren’t they just has much for teachers learning.” Excerpted from‘Mindset’ by Carol S. … Read more

The Intricacies of Power Dynamics in Fear Societies

Number of words: 339 Overt cooperation with the west would, however, pose anew danger to the Soviet. How could the communist regime give up the ideological enemy that had served so well since the Bolshevik revolution in 1919 to stabilize its rule? Hero too, the Soviets were confronting a problem faced by all fear societies. … Read more