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The Ingenious Architecture of Termite Mounds

Number of words: 1,474 Of the insect world’s many architects, the termites are undoubtedly the reigning monarchs. The earthen mounds that these tiny insects construct out of soil, water and their own saliva, are as intricate, if not more intricate, than human-made castles. The enigmatic structures have intrigued biologists, inspired architects, and even captivated robotics … Read more

The Rise of Smart Factories

Number of words: 427 After helping more than a million brick-and-mortar Chinese retailers modernize their operations, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. has now set its sights on a new target: the country’s outdated factories.China’s largest corporation unveiled in September its first smart factory, a secret experiment that Alibaba’s been conducting for three years on the outskirts … Read more

The Fragility of Civilization: Lessons from a Pandemic

Number of words: 4,080 Never in our lives have we experienced such a global phenomenon. For the first time in the history of the world, all of humanity, informed by the unprecedented reach of digital technology, has come together, focused on the same existential threat, consumed by the same fears and uncertainties, eagerly anticipating the … Read more

Google Under Fire: A Deep Dive into Antitrust Issues

Number of words: 1,192 FOR THE BETTER part of a year, the tech world has wondered what, exactly, the Department of Justice’s long-rumored antitrust case against Google would look like. Now we have an answer. The department filed a complaint against Google on Tuesday, triggering the most significant antitrust case since the US sued Microsoft … Read more