The Rise of Indian Entrepreneurship in the Early 20th Century

Number of words: 390 Dorabji stationed himself in London, meeting investors, bankers and anyone willing to listen to his story. He got a lot of encouraging words but no money! London and the world markets at large were in a bear phase and all investors were shy of investing in long-term capital. Dorabji was not … Read more

Engineering Dreams: The Quest for Hydroelectric Energy

Number of words: 408 He had seen the Narmada fall from a height near Jabalpur and believed it was the right site for an electricity generation project. Unfortunately, a swamiji, whose ashram was on the land proposed for the site, refused to move. The government, not wanting a religious dispute on its hands, did not … Read more

The Evolution of Government Support for IISc

Number of words: 304 Cognizant of the prestige now associated with the Tata name, the British government enquired after the progress of the construction of the IISc and offered its support to Jamsetji’s sons. Taking advantage of this turnaround, Dorabji and his younger brother Ratanji decided to meet Lord Curzon, who had earlier dismissed the … Read more

The Rich Iron Ore Reserves of India

Number of words: 345 Dorabji, in the meanwhile, was visiting the local district office to inform them that they were winding up their project, when he spotted a map of the Geological Survey of India pasted on a notice board. He saw the map marked with dark spots at certain places, indicating iron ore deposits. … Read more

The Visionary Plans of Jamsetji Wadia in Bomba

Number of words: 226 The East India Company had given large parcels of land to Navroji Jamsetji Wadia in Juhu, which was then a fishing village. Jamsetji decided to buy land in Juhu, Parle, Madh Island and other areas and build a Venice-like city. The price was ` 3 per square foot, an expensive proposition … Read more

Jamsetji’s Vision: Transforming the Silk Landscape

Number of words: 171 Meanwhile, always on the lookout to launch unique projects, Jamsetji, on a visit to France, found that the weather was similar to that of Bangalore and Mysore and brought back a few silkworms to try breeding them in India. Silkworm breeding was an old tradition he wanted to revive. At that … Read more

The Legacy of Jamsetji Tata in the Textile Industry

Number of words: 355 It so happened that the King of Abyssinia (the Ethiopian Empire), for some strange reason, arrested the British ambassador and his staff. The two British officials sent to resolve the issue were also arrested and thrown into prison, forcing England to send in an armed force, which it did under the … Read more

The Unseen Struggles of Early Sea Travelers

Number of words: 114 Air travel was still thirty-five years away and he set sail on a passenger ship. Sea travel was still quite rudimentary. It was well before the time of air-conditioned cabins. Pigs, goats and a very large number of chickens were carried along as fresh food; in fact, the number of chickens … Read more

The Opium Trade: A Catalyst for Economic Change

Number of words: 346 Jamsetji took up a job immediately after graduating, but Nusserwanji, wanting his son to gain international exposure, sent him to the British colony of Hong Kong, where he launched a company called Jamsetji and Ardeshir with three partners—Nusserwanji and two merchants, Kaliandas and Premchand Raichand. The Tatas, through this partnership, decided … Read more

The Complexities of Data Sharing Agreements

Number of words: 370 The key to this type of technology collaboration lies with human values and processes and not just a focus on technology. Organizations need to decide whether and how to share data, and if so, on what terms. A few principles will be foundational. The first is concrete arrangements to protect privacy. … Read more