Lessons for the Business World

Number of words: 1,205 Leigh Van Valen was a crazy-looking evolutionary biologist who came up with a theory so crazy no academic journal would publish it. So he created his own journal, published it, and the idea eventually became accepted wisdom. Those kinds of ideas – counterintuitive, but ultimately true – are the ones worth … Read more

Capitalism and competition are opposites

Number of words: 350 The airlines compete with each other, but Google stands alone. Economists use two simplified models to explain the difference: perfect competition and monopoly. “Perfect competition” is considered both the ideal and the default state in Economics 101. So called perfectly competitive markets achieve equilibrium when producer supply meets consumer demand. Every … Read more

The E-Commerce Landscape Post-Covid-19

Number of words: 2,260 Last week, Facebook announced something interesting. It rolled out a new product called ‘Shops’. Aimed at small businesses, it helps retailers upload their product catalogue on Facebook or Instagram, and will help users purchase it directly from these platforms. Facebook has launched this in partnership with a bunch of other players, … Read more

Welfare and the Reality of Family Life

Number of words: 389 Fathers were not a thing commonly possessed by members of The Tribe, but even that’s not so outright as it might appear. I know it’s a platitude about what all the interpretations call the matriarchal Negro society or culture. For one thing, it’s not unique in that respect, and for another … Read more