Why money managers are paid so much

Number of words – 906 Why do workers in the financial industry get paid so much? There are many possible explanations, none of them completely satisfying. The financial industry commands a much larger share of the U.S. economy than in the past, causing some to worry that the industry gets more money than its economic … Read more

Taxes as share equity

I have already argued that private enterprise in a so-called advanced society derives very large benefits from the infrastructure – both visible and invisible – which such a society has built up through public expenditure. But the public hand, although it defrays a considerable part of the cost of private enterprise, does not directly participate … Read more

Lessons in running a cooperative corporate: Scott Bader

Ernest Bader started the enterprise of Scott Bader Co Ltd in 1920, at the age of thirty. Thirty-one years later, after many trials and tribulations during the war, he had a prosperous medium-scale business employing 161 people, with a turnover of about Pounds 625,000 a year and net profits exceeding Pounds 72,000. Having started with … Read more

The Origin of Junk Bonds

Drexel was making its fortune in junk bonds, and that stung. We were supposed to be Wall Street’s bond traders. We were in danger of losing that distinction, however, for our managers had failed to see how important junk bonds would become. They thought junk was a passing fad. That was easily their single most … Read more

Getting US house mortgages to Wall Street

Wall Street brings together borrowers of money with lenders. Until the spring of 1978, when Salomon Brothers formed Wall Street’s first mortgage security department, the term borrower referred to large corporations and to federal, state, and local governments. It did not include homeowners. A Salomon Brothers partner named Robert Dall thought this strange. The fastest-growing … Read more

Negative Nationalism

We don’t want to fight But, by Jingo, if we do, We’ve got the ships, We’ve got the men, We’ve got the money, too – “MACDERMOTT’S WAR SONG” SUNG AT THE LONDON PAVILION 1878 Negative nationalism reached a hillock of intellectual clarity in 1878 during yet another one of those Russian-Turkish crises that London tried … Read more