Negative Nationalism

We don’t want to fight But, by Jingo, if we do, We’ve got the ships, We’ve got the men, We’ve got the money, too – “MACDERMOTT’S WAR SONG” SUNG AT THE LONDON PAVILION 1878 Negative nationalism reached a hillock of intellectual clarity in 1878 during yet another one of those Russian-Turkish crises that London tried … Read more

Royalties and Loyalties

If the creation of the WTO in 1995 was the last clear victory for Globalization, the specific point of farthest advance was probably the inclusion of intellectual property inside the trade regime. No sooner was TRIPS in place than the backlash began.The most dependable of pro—Globalization economists were horrified. Why should coupon clipping be treated … Read more

The fall of Economics

Since 1950 world trade has multiplied — depending on whose numbers you use — between twelve- and twenty-two-fold. Worldwide foreign direct investment has grown fifteen-fold since 1970. For foreign directinvestment to developing countries, the multiple is twenty. The daily turnover in foreign exchange markets was $15 billion in 1973. Now it is over $1.5 trillion. … Read more