The Rise of Nationalism: A Threat to Global Stability

Number of words: 2,289 In January and February of this year, there was audible popping of champagne corks in certain quarters of the U.S. foreign policy establishment. What some observers had long seen as this era’s giant geopolitical bubble had finally begun to deflate. China’s Communist Party leadership, the thinking went, was at last coming … Read more

The Irony of Intelligence in a Culture of Stupidity

Number of words: 1,920 The late Gore Vidal once confessed, with characteristic rapier wit, “I love stupidity. It excites me.” But the excitement and hilarity of human foibles and failures diminish rapidly when the consequences include more than 100,000 corpses.  Stupidity is a steadfast provider of humor and tragedy in Freedom Central, otherwise known as … Read more

The Dual Nature of Online Education: A Critical Analysis

Number of words: 1,019 The current craze for online education (OE) reminds me of the wall graffiti advertising sex clinics that are visible across urban north India. These ads promise guaranteed cures — shartiya ilaj — for all kinds of ailments and afflictions. Today, OE is being force-fed to Indian education as a miracle cure … Read more