Just as ants and their subterranean fellow-travelers lose their wings underground, so numerous different kinds of animals that live in the depths of dark caves where there is no light have reduced or lost their eyes, and are, as Darwin himself noted, more or less completely blind. The word ‘troglobite’ has been coined for an … Read more

The Development of an Embryo

An architect designs a great cathedral. Then, through a hierarchical chain of command, the building operation is broken down into separate departments, which break it down further into sub-departments, and so on until instructions are finally handed out to individual masons, carpenters and glaziers, who go to work until the cathedral is built, looking pretty … Read more


Perhaps the most striking feature of the inferior temporal neurons is that many of their preferred shapes closely resemble our letters, symbols, or ele­mentary Chinese characters. Some neurons respond to two superimposed circles forming a figure eight, others react to the conjunc­tion of two bars to form a T, and others prefer an asterisk, a … Read more

The Silent Voice

Writing—this ingenious art to paint words and speech for the eyes. GFORGES DE It RF BREUF (French poet, 1617-1661) When he paid a visit to Ambrose, then bishop of Milan, Augustine observed a phenomenon that he judged strange enough to be worth noting in his memoirs: When [Ambrose] read, his eyes scanned the page and … Read more