A Green Solution: The Promise of Bacteria in Construction

Number of words: 588 Cement and concrete haven’t changed much as technology in over a hundred years, but researchers in Colorado are revolutionizing building materials by literally bringing them to life. The method developed, presented January 15 in the journal Matter, combines sand and bacteria to build a living material that has structural load-bearing and … Read more

The Rise of Self-Taught Data Scientists: A New Era

Number of words: 1,362 In the developer series, we reach out to developers, practitioners and experts from the machine learning community to gain insights on their journey in data science, and the tools and skills essential for their day-to-day operation. For this week’s column, Analytics India Magazine got in touch with Konstantin Yakovlev, a Kaggle … Read more

The Science Behind Emergency Preservation Techniques

Number of words: 923 New Scientist reports that doctors have used therapeutic suspended animation for the first time as part of a carefully designed human trial. The procedure, called Emergency Preservation and Resuscitation (EPR), is a way to try to save the lives of people with severe traumatic injuries like gunshot damage—patients who have lost the majority of … Read more

The Future of Space Travel: Rethinking Elevation

Number of words: 943 Perhaps the biggest hurdle to humankind’s expansion throughout the solar system is the prohibitive cost of escaping Earth’s gravitational pull. So say Zephyr Penoyre from the University of Cambridge in the UK and Emily Sandford at Columbia University in New York. The problem is that rocket engines work by jettisoning mass … Read more