Why Do Domesticated Animals Have Tiny Brains?

Number of words – 215 Science has proven that domesticated animals have significantly smaller brains than wild animals. Whether it’s a dog versus a wolf, or even farmed trout compared to wild trout, the brains of human-bred animals are just tinier. The statistics are dramatic: Domestic pigs have brains 35% smaller than wild boars, while … Read more


Perhaps the most striking feature of the inferior temporal neurons is that many of their preferred shapes closely resemble our letters, symbols, or ele­mentary Chinese characters. Some neurons respond to two superimposed circles forming a figure eight, others react to the conjunc­tion of two bars to form a T, and others prefer an asterisk, a … Read more

The Silent Voice

Writing—this ingenious art to paint words and speech for the eyes. GFORGES DE It RF BREUF (French poet, 1617-1661) When he paid a visit to Ambrose, then bishop of Milan, Augustine observed a phenomenon that he judged strange enough to be worth noting in his memoirs: When [Ambrose] read, his eyes scanned the page and … Read more