Working Class’ Concrete Vs Middle Class’ Abstract

Number of words: 216 The working class speaks a language more useful for descriptive concepts, while the middle class goes beyond the public language, and speaks a language that facilitates verbal elaboration and the possibility of more abstract thought. Bernstein found that working-class youth did better on non-verbal intelligence tests and this difference was not … Read more

The Importance of Challenging Experiences for Young Learners

Number of words: 753 Parents stimulate their children’s speech by picking up elements of the child’s primitive language and playing it back to him in an expanded form. it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this continuous and intimate interaction of mother and child for the development of sensitive empathetic responsiveness to others which … Read more

Role of toys and Freedom in early childhood development

Number of words: 252 Once it becomes obvious that human intelligence functioning is highly malleable and sensitive to experience, then the only reason for using IQ test would seem to be because modern society believes that a universal standard evaluation is scientific and that talents can in this way be more objectively identified. With this … Read more

Role of minerals and vitamin deficiency in IQs

Number of words: 281 Ninety Welsh children between the ages of 12 and 13 years were tested by psychologist David Benton and school teacher Giwyln Roberts. The researchers assessed their verbal and nonverbal intelligence after examining 3 day diet diaries. Children were divided into three groups. One group received a mineral / vitamin supplement, another … Read more

You can weigh John Brown’s body well enough but how and in what balance can you weigh John Brown?

Number of words: 182 The portrayal of grading as a bell shaped curve is an incident of stratification by educationists and psychologists of a predetermined system that they want implemented universally. It is an equation with the physical sciences, to draw principles which are considered objective and always true. Yet how can such an equation … Read more

Feynman’s surprise at winning a Nobel with an IQ of 124!

Number of words: 311 Mendel’s studies on heredity have had their impact in mental heredity as well, for instance the oft repeated slogan, ‘Like father, Like son’, in the sense that offspring comes to resemble the parent in certain mannerisms of behaviour – has probably elevated the IQ test to an enviable position. By finding … Read more

Why good IQ tests should be subjective

Number of words: 132 From the time in 1897 when Rice devised his spelling test, there has been popular antipathy towards IQ tests which seems strange for something that claims to be scientific and whose purpose is to provide information about the inherent capacities of a person and therefore an indication how we will fare … Read more

How Indian Education System inspired the West

Number of words: 819 Competition was largely unknown, with the result that examinations proved to be more diagnostic in their execution. Those who had an opportunity to study, probably did so in order to know more about spiritual and moral matters, with the purpose of improving themselves through this knowledge. The dialectical discussions were more … Read more