Modes can be confusing

Number of words – 240 An accident with an Airbus airplane illustrates the problem. The flight control equipment (often referred to as the automatic pilot) had two modes, one for controlling vertical speed, the other for controlling the flight path’s angle of descent. In one case, when the pilots were attempting to land, the pilots … Read more

Memory Lapse failures

Number of words – 192 The immediate cause of most memory-lapse failures is interruptions, events that intervene between the time an action is decided upon and the time it is completed. Quite often the interference comes from the machines we are using: the many steps required between the start and finish of the operations can … Read more

The Most Common Errors in the World

Number fo words – 516 Error occurs for many reasons. The most common is in the nature of the tasks and procedures that require people to behave in unnatural ways—staying alert for hours at a time, providing precise, accurate control specifications, all the while multitasking, doing several things at once, and subjected to multiple interfering … Read more

The Unseen Impact of ‘Everything That Is Needed Cannot Be Made Visible’

Number of words – 491 Sometimes everything that is needed cannot be made visible. Enter sound: sound can provide information available in no other way. Sound can tell us that things are working properly or that they need maintenance or repair. It can even save us from accidents. Consider the information provided by: • The … Read more

Pilot ATC chatter

Number of words – 552 Airplane pilots have to listen to commands from air-traffic control delivered at a rapid pace, and then respond accurately. Their lives depend upon being able to follow the instructions accurately. One website, discussing the problem, gave this example of instructions to a pilot about to take off for a flight: … Read more

The Impact of Simple Passwords on Most People’s Lives

Number fo words – 292 How do most people cope? They use simple passwords. Studies show that five of the most common passwords are: “password,” “123456,” “12345678,” “qwerty,” and “abc123.” All of these are clearly selected for easy remembering and typing. All are therefore easy for a thief or mischief-maker to try. Most people (including … Read more

Why it is easier to remember poetry than prose

Number of words – 704 Before widespread literacy, and especially before the advent of sound recording devices, performers traveled from village to village, reciting epic poems thousands of lines long. This tradition still exists in some societies. How do people memorize such voluminous amounts of material? Do some people have huge amounts of knowledge in … Read more