Game changer New human ‘Organ’ that Protects Vital Tissues Identified

Number of words – 654 Scientists have identified a new human ‘organ’ consisting of a network of fluid-filled compartments that act like shock absorbers and protects tissues of vital organs from tearing. The findings, published in the journal Scientific Reports, has implications for the function of all organs, most tissues and the mechanisms of most … Read more

Inside the Cleanroom Where NASA’s New Mars Lander Waits to Launch

Number of words – 1,041 FEW RULES for the cleanroom where NASA’s new InSight Mars lander waits for launch. One, if you must sneeze, sneeze away from the spacecraft. Two, if you drop anything, let one of NASA’s escorts pick it up for you. Three, do not under any circumstances cross the black-and-yellow-striped tape and … Read more

Earths first biological molecules

Number of words – 1,289 Around 4 billion years ago, Earth was an inhospitable place, devoid of oxygen, bursting with volcanic eruptions, and bombarded by asteroids, with no signs of life in even the simplest forms. But somewhere amid this chaotic period, the chemistry of the Earth turned in life’s favor, giving rise, however improbably, … Read more

Should EU data privacy rules apply to non Europeans?

Number of words – 1,302 “We believe that everyone around the world deserves good privacy controls,” Mark Zuckerberg told the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday. “We’ve had a lot of these controls in place for years. The [EU General Data Protection Regulation] requires us to do a few more things, and we’re going … Read more

Warming not cooling donated livers may improve transplants

Number of words – 716 Surgeons pack donated organs on ice while racing them to transplant patients but it may be time for a warmer approach. British researchers said Wednesday that keeping at least some livers at body temperature instead may work better. The livers keep functioning until they’re transplanted thanks to a machine that … Read more