Loving it in la-la land

Number of words – 745 When White House press secretary Sean Spicer lied about how many people attended US President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the counselor to the president, Kellyanne Conway, defended him, saying the made-up numbers were an “alternative fact”. I am delighted to report that we too now have a Kellyanne in our midst, … Read more

Do wolves help in reforestation?

Number of words – 290 At Yellowstone, despite the re-introduction of wolves, the willows are not actually recovering as well as was hoped. One reason, Marris found, may be that wolves don’t actually scare elk away from their preferred feeding areas, as earlier research suggested they might. “When elk are really hungry, they’re going to … Read more

Cheering up the customer @ SouthWest

Number of words – 158 In the 1970s, Southwest Airlines decided to put their flight attendants in hot pants and Go Go boots as part of their uniforms. It wasn’t their idea. Pacific Southwest, the California based airline after which Southwest modelled itself, did it first. Southwest simply copied them. Unlike Pacific Southwest, however, Southwest … Read more

Railroads at crossroads

Number of words – 137 In the 1800s, the railroads were the biggest companies in the country. Having achieved such monumental success, even having changed the landscape of America, remembering why stopped being important to them. Instead they became obsessed with what they did – they were in the railroad business. This narrowing of perspective … Read more