Pilot ATC chatter

Number of words – 552 Airplane pilots have to listen to commands from air-traffic control delivered at a rapid pace, and then respond accurately. Their lives depend upon being able to follow the instructions accurately. One website, discussing the problem, gave this example of instructions to a pilot about to take off for a flight: … Read more

The Impact of Simple Passwords on Most People’s Lives

Number fo words – 292 How do most people cope? They use simple passwords. Studies show that five of the most common passwords are: “password,” “123456,” “12345678,” “qwerty,” and “abc123.” All of these are clearly selected for easy remembering and typing. All are therefore easy for a thief or mischief-maker to try. Most people (including … Read more

Why it is easier to remember poetry than prose

Number of words – 704 Before widespread literacy, and especially before the advent of sound recording devices, performers traveled from village to village, reciting epic poems thousands of lines long. This tradition still exists in some societies. How do people memorize such voluminous amounts of material? Do some people have huge amounts of knowledge in … Read more

Coin Chaos

Number of words – 467 With a good deal of fanfare, the French government released the new 10-franc coin (worth a little more than $1.50) on Oct. 22, 1986. The public looked at it, weighed it, and began confusing it so quickly with the half-franc coin (worth only 8 cents) that a crescendo of fury … Read more

Procedural Knowledge on Behavioral Level

Number of words – 94 Knowledge how—what psychologists call procedural knowledge— is the knowledge that enables a person to be a skilled musician, to return a serve in tennis, or to move the tongue properly when saying the phrase “frightening witches.” Procedural knowledge is difficult or impossible to write down and difficult to teach. It … Read more

Power of Combining Internal and External Behavior

Number of words – 157 Because behavior can be guided by the combination of internal and external knowledge and constraints, people can minimize the amount of material they must learn, as well as the completeness, precision, accuracy, or depth of the learning. They also can deliberately organize the environment to support behavior. This is how … Read more

Exploring the Disappearance of Half of American College Students

Number of words – 167 Fewer than half of the American college students who were given this set of drawings and asked to select the correct image could do so. Pretty bad performance, except that the students, of course, have no difficulty using the money. In normal life, we have to distinguish between the penny … Read more