Savarkar in Contemporary Indian Politics

Number of words: 89 Savarkar thesis of Hindutva so inspired Dr. K.B. Hedgewar that before syarring the volunteer organization known as that Rashtriya Swayamsevak  Sangh Dr. Hedgewar  had a long discussion with Savarkar over the faith, form and future of the organization thus from the beginning the RSS philosophy got interwoven with Savarkar Hindutva – … Read more

The Evolution of Political Discourse in Modern India

Number of words: 1,902 It began with a cryptic remark. In 2012, when I was teaching at Princeton, a set of bright students enquired whether I might teach a course on Indian political thought. At the time, my rozi roti was teaching one of those broad introductions to “Western” political thought affectionately termed “Plato to NATO” courses. … Read more

The Legacy of the First Zionist Congress in Modern Israel

Number of words: 320 In 1897 the first Zionist Congress assembled in Basle. The transactions of that historic gathering were perhaps less significant than the gathering itself. For the first time in Jewish history, representatives from Jewish communities throughout the world had assembled to discuss a programme of action for the Jewish people. Zionism, they … Read more

The Surprising Link Between Pain and Immune Defense

Number of words: 423 A recent discovery revealed that pain-sensing nerves help fight skin infections and prevent its spread, suggesting a new type of immunity. “These pain-sensing nerves can detect pathogens, and for the first time, we’ve shown that they activate an immune response and also signal protective immunity in sites adjacent to the infection. … Read more

Unpacking the Historical Significance of Defoe’s Proposals

Number of words: 2,282 In February 1719, two months before the publication of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe proposed in the Weekly Journal that the South Sea Company – founded just eight years earlier to manage the national debt and awarded a contract to supply the Spanish colonies in Latin America with several thousand African slaves … Read more