Showa’s market strategy

A key problem—one faced by many Japanese firms today—was that Showa’s market strategy was at odds with its new production methods. Showa had discovered how to build a complete boiler in four days (compared with sixteen to twenty weeks) and how to build all boilers to special order without paying a significant production cost premium, … Read more

Pratt & Whitney’s History

The original Pratt & Whitney Company was created before the American Civil War by Francis Pratt and Amos Whitney. These “Yankee mechanics” learned their trade as inside contractors at Samuel Colt’s armoury, opened in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1855. They produced the individual parts needed for Colt pistols and rifles, hiring their own workforce but using … Read more

Skill adequacy and flow

The type of activities which people all over the world consistent report most rewarding—that is, whit make them feel best – involve a clear objective, a need for concentration so intense that no attention is left over, lack of interruptions and distractions clear and immediate feedback on progress toward the objective, and a sense of … Read more

Total Productive Maintenance

To get continuous-flow systems to flow for more than a minute or two at a time, every machine and every worker must be completely “capable.” That is, they must always be in proper condition to run precisely when needed and every part made must be exactly right. By design, flow systems have an everything-works-or-nothing-works quality … Read more

The making of a beer can

[…] the first step is to mine bauxite in Australia. Although the ore could in principle be mined in small amounts and sent along to the next step within a few minutes of the receipt of an order, the mining machinery is truly massive and the actual process involves scooping out millions of tons of … Read more

Learning management from Orchestra conductors

Itay Talgam did not mean to address this question when he appeared at Google’s 2008 Zeitgeist Conference, but he inadvertently offered an answer. Talgam, a renowned Israeli orchestra conductor, stood on a small semicircular stage wearing a wrinkled cotton polo shirt with a sweater draped over his shoulders, his sparse hair shooting in several directions. For a … Read more