The Ingenious Design of Colon Crypts and Their Benefits

Number of words: 242 The clever design of crypts is a direct consequence of how tissues are renewed by stem cells, the “parent cells” in the body. This is particularly important because, given how much material we digest, the lining of the colon is forever being replenished. A few stem cells sit at the base … Read more

The Hidden World of Microbial Cooperation and Its Impact

Number of words: 341 Multicellular strings of bacteria were born around 3.5 billion years ago. Filamentous bacteria—so named because they form chains—kill themselves to yield precious nitrogen for the good of their sisters. Every tenth or so cell commits suicide for the benefit of this communal thread of bacterial life. Another, quite different kind of … Read more

RNA and Evolution: Navigating the Mutation Paradox

Number of words: 555 The extraordinary possibilities of evolution are the result of errors in replication. Mutations are critical. If the replication of RNA were error free, and perfect, no mutants would arise and evolution would stop. Nothing would change. There would be no living diversity. So mutations are required for life to emerge. Equally, … Read more

Mystery of Brownian Motion Through History

Number of words: 340 Centuries ago, the Scottish botanist Robert Brown became fascinated by the zigzag motion of fragments within pollen grains. In his pioneering observations, made with a primitive microscope, Brown had spotted this random jittery motion as early as 1827. What puzzled him was that this incessant movement did not arise from currents … Read more

Cultural Adaptation in the Pacific

Number of words: 284 Natural selection can act on human culture as well as on genes. Some scholars have scoffed that a scientific theory of cultural evolution that aims to ape Darwinian evolution is impossible because human beliefs and behaviors are so unpredictable and subject to historical contingencies as well as sudden breakthroughs, discoveries, and … Read more

The Interplay of Cooperation and Community Development

Number of words: 222 The very fact that people decide to live in the same patch, rather than dotted around at random, has to do with cooperation. Why? Some believe, for example, that the first communities evolved as a result of success in agriculture: surplus food from farming enabled people to settle down and specialize, … Read more