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A Day in the Life of a Grocery Shopper with Kids

Number of words: 115

On one of my research outings, I went shopping at Star market in Boston. At the checkout, I stood in line behind an overweight, early-thirties father and his chubby 2 years old son. The man spent $200 on a head of iceberg lettuce and three plums. I’m exaggerating. He only spent $3 on a head of iceberg lettuce and three plums. The other 197 dollars were spent on Austin Zoo Animal Crackers, Nabisco Barnum’s Animal Crackers, ice cream, Kraft handisnacks, Elfin Magic Iced, Apple Cinnamon Bars, Keebler Journey peanut butter with Fudge Chunks, Nestle Nesquik chocolate-Flavoured Milk mix, and other cartoon-emblazoned kid food products.

Excerpted from page 274 of ‘Death by Supermarket’ by Nancy Deville

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