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The Pursuit of Balance in a World of Excess

Number of words: 165

How on earth can we shore up our more rational, balanced, enoughist wishes against this rampaging mob of lower-brain drives? To explore this question, I thought I would badger the original source of my enough-work inspiration, Charles Handy, not simply because I fancied meeting one of my old gurus (often it’s the worst thing one can ever do), but because he appears to have become an advanced practitioner in the art of median-temperature success. If you Google any list of the world’s most influential business pundits, he’ll be on it. And that means serious earning power on the world corporate-speaking circuit – easily enough to make you a millionaire inside 12 months. But Handy doesn’t do that. At the start of every year, he and his wife, Elizabeth, calculate how much money is required to fund their simple lifestyle and then schedule their working life to meet that need.

Excerpted from pages 130 of Enough: breaking free from the world of excess by John Naish

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