The Science Behind Laughter and Pain Relief

Number of words: 358

Even before we had completed arrangements for moving out of the hospital we began the part of the program calling for the full exercise of the affirmative emotions as a factor in enhancing body chemistry. It was easy enough to hope and love and have faith, but what about laughter? Nothing is less funny than being flat on your back with all the bones in your spine and joints hurting. A systematic program was indicated. A good place to begin, I thought, was with amusing movies. Alien Funt, producer of the spoofing television program “Candid Camera,” sent films of some of his CC classics, along with a motion picture projector. The nurse was instructed in its use. We were even able to get our hands on some old Marx Brothers films.  We pulled down the blinds and turned on the machine.

It worked. I made the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain- free sleep. When the pain-killing effect of the laughter wore off, we would switch on the motionpicture projector again, and, not infrequently, it would lead to another pain-free sleep interval. Sometimes, the nurse read to me out of a trove of humor books. Especially useful were E.B. and Katharine White’s sub-treasury of American Humor and Max Eastman’s The Enjoyment of Laughter.

How scientific was it to believe that laughter–as well as the positive emotions in general–was affecting my body chemistry for the better? If laughter did in fact have a salutary effect on the body’s chemistry, it seemed at least theoretically likely that it would enhance the system’s ability to fight the inflammation. So we took sedimentation rate readings just before as well as several hours after the laughter episodes. Each time, there was a drop of at least five points. The drop by itself was not substantial, but it held and was cumulative. I was greatly elated by the discovery that there is a physiologic basis for the ancient theory that laughter is good medicine.

Excerpted from ‘Anatomy of an Illness’ by Norman Cousins, pg 43-44

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