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The long and the short of it was that the primitive people who ate historically indigenous diets almost always had all 32, perfectly aligned teeth, and cavities were a rarity. The photographs of these native people show smiles out of People magazine. They were attractive, cheerful, robust, fertile, and free from mental, dental, and degenerative diseases. The photographs of native people who ventured out to life on white man’s food sugar, flour, pasteurized milk, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and other factory foods – were more reminiscent of the backwoods folks in the 1972 movie Deliverance. Without exception, primitive people who became civilized in their eating habits developed infertility problems and suffered with gnarly, rotten teeth, and rank gums, as well as infectious, mental, and degenerative diseases and obesity.
Excerpted from pages 102-103 of ‘Death by Supermarket’ by Nancy Deville