Leading Beyond Boundaries

Number of words – 142

The kind of leader who is happy to be a juggling dancer is someone I call a systempreneurs (see BOX). They tend to think in patterns and constellations, rather than single organisations. They also seem prone to end up in leading positions within the entire industry. In the beginning of their career they play the role of founders, towards the middle they shift gear into advisors, and finally they become sector convenors. Senior changemakers such as Harish Hande (founder of SELCO) or Vishal Talreja (founder of Dream a Dream) have become conductors in the symphony orchestra of their respective sectors (energy and education), leaving space for the next generation of leaders to take charge of their flagship ventures. I hope to grow into a conductor too one day.

Excerpted from Yatra – The Journey to Social Entrepreneurship by Gijs Spoor and Apoorva Reddy

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