Uncovering the mystery of the Paris Metro

Number of words – 176

On most subway trains, the doors open automatically at each station. Not so in Paris. I watched someone on the Paris Métro try to get off the train and fail. When the train came to his station, he got up and stood patiently in front of the door, waiting for it to open. It never opened. The train simply started up again and went on to the next station. In the Métro, you have to open the doors yourself by pushing a button, or depressing a lever, or sliding them (depending upon which kind of car you happen to be on). In some transit systems, the passenger is supposed to operate the door, but in others this is forbidden. The frequent traveler is continually confronted with this kind of situation: the behavior that is appropriate in one place is inappropriate in another, even in situations that appear to be identical. Known cultural norms can create comfort and harmony. Unknown norms can lead to discomfort and confusion.

Excerpted from ‘The Design of Everyday Things’ by Don Norman

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