Passage 1
There are no places left unsearched in my modern world
Genetic strands they say control my soul
My smiles are nerve endings stretching themselves far
My tears are excited glands secreting some gooey tar
My fear is controlled by adrenalin level
My factory is my living hell
My children are two fused chromosomes
My blue eyes tinted corneas
My thoughts are the effect of my social conditioning
My traumas stem from my complexes
My dreams are a reflection of my inner self
My headaches are caused by my poor diet
My creativity is my left brain, my poor math thanks to my right
My love for food is caused by some strange secretions in my stomach
Oh my Oh my! What am I?
Human or a piece of Science?
Passage 2
I know that one day death will come and knock at my door
She won’t wait for an answer for her knock identifies her
I wonder if I will be scared when I hear that knock
Or will I be brave and say Welcome Home
I know that I too must one day die
And I know it could happen anywhere anyhow anyplace
It’s she who gets to choose the date
All this should make me resigned to my fate
I should be able to indifferent and probably brave
Like the great men who have walked this earth and died
Who said that death is to be welcomed like life
In their dying breath I wonder if they were scared
What lies behind that great door of death? Do you just vanish?
Are you no more? Are you “was there”? no feelings at all?
Or are you seeing but not being seen? Hearing but not being heard?
If I knew would it make me feel better ? Or would it make worse?
I am fascinated by death, and she scares me like hell
I want to find out what happens to me after all
But if I am reduced to nothing then I’ll never know
And even if I learn I won’t be able to tell
And there are times I wish I had never been born
Is that the same as wishing I was dead?
Are the unborn merely the dormant dead?
I find it easier to think that I had never been born than that I am dead.
And what if tomorrow my bike crashed and instantly I died
I would not hear the knock just the door crashing down on me