The Fascinating World of Nuclear Forces and Matter

Number of words: 740

The first important step towards an understanding of nuclear structure was the discovery of the neutron as the second constituent of the nucleus, a particle which has roughly the same mass as the proton (the first nuclear constituent)-about two thousand times the mass of the electron-but does not carry an electric charge. This discovery not only explained how the nuclei of all chemical elements were built up from protons and neutrons, but also revealed that the nuclear force, which kept these particles so tightly bound within the nucleus, was a completely new phenomenon. It could not be of electromagnetic origin since the neutrons were electrically neutral. Physicists soon realized that they were here confronted with a new force of nature which does not manifest itself anywhere outside the nucleus. 

An atomic nucleus is about one hundred thousand times smaller than the whole atom and yet it contains almost all of the atom’s mass. This means that matter inside the nucleus must be extremely dense compared to the forms of matter we are used to. Indeed, if the whole human body were compressed to nuclear density it would not take up more space than a pinhead. This high density, however, is not the only unusual property of nuclear matter. Being of the same quantum nature as electrons, the ‘nucleons’-as the protons and neutrons are often called-respond to their confinement with high velocities, and since they are squeezed into a much smaller volume their reaction is all the m-ore violent. They race about in the nucleus with velocities of about 40,000 miles per second! Nuclear matter is thus a form of matter entirely different from anything we experience ‘up here’ in our macroscopic environment. We can, perhaps, picture it best as tiny drops of an extremely dense liquid which is boiling and bubbling most fiercely.

The essential new aspect of nuclear matter which accounts for all its unusual properties is the strong nuclear force, and the feature that makes this force so unique is its extremely short range. It acts only when the nucleons come very near to each other, that is, when their distance is about two to three times their diameter. At such a distance, the nuclear force is strongly attractive, but when the distance becomes less the force becomes strongly repulsive so that the nucleons cannot approach each other any closer. In this way, the nuclear force keeps the nucleus in an extremely stable, though extremely dynamic equilibrium. 

The picture of matter which emerges from the study of atoms and nuclei shows that most of it is concentrated in tiny drops separated by huge distances. In the vast space between the massive and fiercely boiling nuclear drops move the electrons. These constitute only a tiny fraction of the total mass, but give matter its solid aspect and provide the links necessary to build up the molecular structures. They are also involved in the chemical reactions and are responsible for the chemical properties of matter. Nuclear reactions, on the other hand, generally do not occur naturally in this form of matter because the available energies are not high enough to disturb the nuclear equilibrium. 

This form of matter, however, with its multitude of shapes and textures and its complicated molecular architecture, can exist only under very special conditions, when the temperature is not too high, so that the molecules do not jiggle too much. When the thermal energy increases about a hundredfold, as it does in most stars, all atomic and molecular structures are destroyed. Most of the matter in the universe exists, in fact, in a state which is very different from the one just described. In the centre of the stars exist large accumulations of nuclear matter, and nuclear processes which occur only very rarely on earth predominate there. They are essential for the great variety of stellar phenomena observed in astronomy, most of which arise from a combination of nuclear and gravitational effects. For our planet, the nuclear processes in the centre of the Sun are of particular importance because they furnish the energy which sustains our terrestrial environment. It has been one of the great triumphs of modern physics to discover that the constant energy flow from the Sun, our vital link with the world of the very large, is a result of nuclear reactions, of phenomena in the world of the infinitely small.

Excerpted from Page 73-74 of ‘The Tao of Physics’ by Fritjof Capra

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