The Connection Between Diet and Gut Health

Number of words: 203

Normal elimination is once or twice a day. Primitive humans likely didn’t have problems with constipation because their rough, fibrous foods, stimulated peristalsis, which is the organized, rhythm – like movement that moves foodstuff from the mouth through the digestive system to elimination. But since refined food products immediately turn into soft, smooth, slippery, sugary sludge upon entering your system, there’s no stimulation to get peristalsis moving. Refined-grain products contain toxins, such as the above-mentioned nerve-damaging protein fragments created by the extrusion process, and chemical additives and ingredients. Compounding this problem is the fact that many people today have undiagnosed sensitivities to the grains in these products because we have simply eaten too many refined gains and they have become toxins to our bodies. So you’ve got a double whammy. Toxins in the factory food you eat sit in your colon, where they can be reabsorbed through your intestinal walls, a condition called leaky gut. Those toxins must go somewhere. Fat cells are storage repositories for, among other substances, toxins. Since many toxins are fat soluble, they permeate and are stored indefinitely in your fat cells, where they kill and damage cells.

Excerpted from page 25 of ‘Death by Supermarket’ by Nancy Deville

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